Bagua Mirror
An important emblem in ancient Chinese Feng Shui culture, the Bagua Mirror...
Originating as traditional Chinese ornaments, bracelets exhibit rich Oriental charm and have deep historical significance and auspicious meanings. Each style of bracelet, which is made from a variety of materials like glass, jade, and wood, represents a distinct spiritual energy and cultural meaning. Small-leaf rosewood bracelets, for example, are considered to be magnificent treasures that represent character and knowledge because to their subtle and elegant texture. In the meantime, elements like cinnabar and aventurine jade stand for peace, prosperity, and safety. Buddhist bead bracelets, which typically have 108 beads that represent wholeness and the effectiveness of meditation, are especially recognizable among traditional wristbands. Additionally, traditional components like lotus designs, flower coins, and bells are incorporated into contemporary Chinese-style bracelets. These designs incorporate elements of modern fashion while maintaining a sense of classical grandeur. Multi-wrap patterns provide a variety of styling choices., 起源於中國傳統飾品,手鏈展現了濃厚的東方魅力,並擁有深遠的歷史意義與吉祥寓意。每款手鏈均由玻璃、玉石、木材等多種材質製成,並象徵著獨特的靈性力量與文化內涵。例如,小葉紫檀手鏈因其細膩優雅的紋理,被視為象徵品格與智慧的珍品。同時,朱砂和東陵玉等材質則代表平安、繁榮與守護。 在傳統手鏈中,佛珠手串尤為具有代表性,通常由108顆珠子組成,象徵圓滿與冥想的力量。此外,現代新中式風格的手鏈融合了蓮花設計、花錢和鈴鐺等傳統元素,保留了古典的莊重感,同時融入了現代時尚的氣息。多圈設計提供了多樣化的搭配選擇,不僅可滿足簡約單圈的需求,也能呈現多圈疊戴的層次感。 無論作為個人飾品佩戴,還是用作禮品贈送,這些手鏈皆展現出傳統文化的典雅美感與祝福意涵,是充滿中國特色的珍貴飾品。
Dzi Bead Collection
Natural dzi beads are precious treasures in Tibetan culture, made from agate...
Synthetic Resin Series Ornaments and Tea Pets
**Resin-Based Tea Pets and Ornaments** Lightweight, strong, and beautifully created, resin...